Misty's Blogspot

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A Dog's Breakfast Clips!!!

Well David's finally anounced where the first screening of his movie will be! Unfortunately, it will be in LA. Fortunately it's looking like he'll be able to do a lot more. Hopefully he'll be doing a screening somewhere in the middle of the US. The screenings are going to be done sort of in a book signing type of manner. He will be attending and some of the others actors might be there as well. If you're in the area and would like to attend the screening you must RSVP within 72 hours. To RSVP just Click Here!

He just posted a new clip on youtube and it's already got 3 honors! If you'd like to see the newest clip I have it here on my side bar! The second clip is the newest one. If you have a youtube id go ahead and login and vote, write a comment and favorite the clip. The more people the higher the honors! The higher the honors the more screenings David will be able to get!


  • Yah, I should really get my arse over there & comment, view & all that more often. It just really sucks that I can't do it at work, otherwise I'd be hitting that thing every few hours!

    I'm thinking that in the course of the 'screening tour', that after it hits in your area, he needs to keep pushin' it over to my way.

    I'm scampering around like a crazed squirrel! woo!

    By Blogger LttleDvl, at 5:35 PM  

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