Misty's Blogspot

Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Rant

I am feeling very angry and emotional right now.

Right now our platoon is split up into 2 shifts. Day shift and night shift

I am on day shift with 7 others. We tend to do the bulk of the work, because that is when most of work comes in. There are also a lot of things that can't be done during the night shift because it is too dark. So day night shift gets to take it pretty easy most of the time.

Our platoon sergeant wants to switch the shifts around so that it is fair to everyone. The problem is that he wants to leave the 2 females on day shift, PFC B and I.

I do not want to stay on day shift for many reasons:

o I don't have an opportunity to call my family because they are either still asleep or at work when I'm awake. (we are 9 hours ahead of them)

o PFC B and I are called on every day to search female Iraqis coming onto the FOB. This means putting on all our gear and walking to the front gate to do the searches. We are only called upon to do this in the morning. If we are on night shift we won't have to do it. I don't mind doing it too much, but it's not that hot out yet. Also none of the males have to do this, because there are males manning the gate 24 hours a day. As far as I know none of the other females on the FOB are made to do the searches. There are at least 15 other females here.

o It will soon be getting blistering hot here. By not being allowed to be on night shift B and I will always be working during the hottest hours.

o I do not have many friends here. Partially because I don't have a lot in common with most of the people in my platoon. I have become good friends with SGT DV. He will be moving to night shift. I will then be left with people I really don't associate with.

o I am trying to learn how to do jobs other than my own. To me it is a necessary part of furthering my career in the army. I need to be able to help soldiers figure out problems, but if I don't know what they are doing then I can't be any help. SGT DV has been teaching me parts of how to do his job. There is no one who will be coming over to the day shift who will do that.

I talked to the day shift leader and let him know why I wanted to be moved with the rest of the shift. As of right now I'm still staying on the day shift. Perhaps that will change, but I don't think it will.

I just really needed to vent a bit. Who knows maybe it won't be as bad as I'm thinking it will be. :p


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